a banner showing useful items for female motorcycle riders

A few lady rider items which are worth packing on your motorcycle trips. 1: The Shewee/GoGirl/Female Urinal This device is one that many lady riders have struggled with the concept of (and the use of!), but honestly, this device is…

motorcycle gear shops in London and the Bike Shed. Motorcycle gear for women - motogirlthailand

3 moto gear shops in London. How do these popular moto gear shops rate when it comes to riding gear, and female riding gear, in particular? Let’s see how these shops rate gear-wise, and the general vibe for a female…

trip report for Ducati Thailand. Desert Sled. Chiang Dao.

A mountain trail ride on a Ducati Desert Sled. DART (Ducati Adventure Rider Tours) and photographer Thorsten Henn contacted me to ask if I would be available for a DART photo op. I was informed that it would be easy…

Honda Safety Riding Park Experienced Dirt Course. Chiang Mai, Thailand

On Sunday 14th May 2017, I attended my third dirt-bike training session at Honda Safety Riding Park. Previously I did the BASIC course dirt twice, before going on to do the Experienced dirt course. (BASIC dirt course write-up HERE) 9am…

Honda Safety Riding Park. Chiang Mai, Thailand

HONDA OFFER BOTH ON ROAD AND OFF ROAD COURSES. PRICES and COURSE details near to the bottom of the page. *UPDATE* I took the basic dirt course a second time, details and update on round 2 after the round 1…

a guide to MT07

This review was initially intended as a video review, but my mic placement was off, so is in written form instead. *WARNING!* I’m not so “savvy” with the tech-speak, so keep that in mind..   The Yamaha MT-07 / FZ-07…