a guide to Pai, Thailand

Pai is one of those places you pretty much will love or will hate. A fairly sleepy town approximately 80km north of Chiang Mai that has become more popular over the years. Although a tourist hotspot, it has still retained it’s laid back…

a guide to MT07

This review was initially intended as a video review, but my mic placement was off, so is in written form instead. *WARNING!* I’m not so “savvy” with the tech-speak, so keep that in mind..   The Yamaha MT-07 / FZ-07…

The Phrao Loop Guide. Thailand

Phrao Loop

The Chaeson Loop Guide. Thailand

LAYMAN’S GUIDE series.  No waffle. Non-wax-lyrical. Straightforward.   There are a few well-established loops in Northern Thailand, the Mae Hong Son Loop being the most well-known. However, if you are looking for a route right in the heart of the jungle, then…

Riding a motorcycle in the rain in Thailand Guide.

Tips for riding the Northern region during Rainy Season. (Rainy season – July to October). Riding the Northern territory in Thailand during Rainy Season is the trickiest time you can ride in the region. Given that many of the roads…

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LAYMAN’S GUIDE series.  No waffle. Non wax-lyrical. Straightforward. THE 1095 ROUTE TO PAI Whether on a scooter or a bigger bike, here is the Zed CM layman’s guide to the 1095 route to Pai. ROUTE: From Chiang Mai city, head for route 107 (see…

riding a motorcycle on the samoeng loop. Northern Thailand. Chiang Mai

Samoeng Loop Guide

A lady with a Shoei motorcycle helmet and pink cat ears, and a dirt road.

Feb 2016 – Tail end of cool season. no rain. Samoeng to Wat Chan and then Pai:Route: Samoeng, route 1349  towards Yang Ha, continue onto Ban Wat Chan. Turn right on to 1265 to head to Pai. (This road is now fully…