A few lady rider items which are worth packing on your motorcycle trips.
Table of Contents
1: The Shewee/GoGirl/Female Urinal
This device is one that many lady riders have struggled with the concept of (and the use of!), but honestly, this device is so handy once you get the hang of it. Being small and made from flexible medical grade silicone means it is so easy and lightweight to pack that it really make sense to take one, even if as an emergency lady rider backup.

The urinal becomes even more important when riding in areas with potential risk factors (scorpions, spiders, snakes, etc). Additionally, there are some pretty grotty-looking public conveniences around, some of which are far more bacteria-ridden than choosing outdoors.

I’ve even used it on roadsides on a few occasions after tucking/hiding my hair well into my jacket (helmet left on). People then just assume it’s a man, so don’t give a second glance!
How to use…
This is the part that most women struggle with. You REALLY (and I can’t emphasise this enough) REALLY need to practice in the shower first. In fact, you need to practice SEVERAL times in the shower first. Initially practice without clothes (for obvious reasons), then practice with clothes, and then once you feel you’ve got the hang of it, practice with your bike gear. *Tip* Place the device snuggly against your body.
Whilst on the road simply give the device a quick rinse with water then place inside a plastic zip-lock bag (some brands supply cases for them). Once you are at your final destination, clean both the device and bag and leave to air dry. Intermittently you can use sterilizing tablets to give a deep clean.
2: Mooncup / Diva Cup

Once inserted, the mooncup /menstrual cup can hold up to 32ml (depending on size), and be left in for up to 12 hours. I honestly wish I had known about this years ago. It makes so much sense. Not only does it make life easier, but it is cheaper than any other method. Made with medical grade silicone, the mooncup is very hygienic. (Additionally: some women team the cup with menstrual pants, for added reassurance.)
How to use…
It is tricky to get the hang of initially, but you have to fold the wide part of the cup and then insert. If you can feel it, then it is inserted incorrectly, so pull it out and re-insert. To remove it you reverse the process, just be careful about possible spillage. Best to look up some of the great YouTube videos out there for how to use them correctly, as there are many around, with better and more detailed instructions than I can provide.
For cleaning, just use the same method as the Shewee/GoGirl instructions above.
3: Sports bra / Bra top / supportive swimwear

Most lady riders discover pretty fast that a decent-fitting bra/support top is essential. Personally, I have found that some swimwear tops with built-in support works pretty well too. The added benefit of swimwear tops is that they are great for hot weather riding because you can just jump into rivers or wet yourself down etc. These tops dry out super fast and can be washed and dried easily when on tour. Much of this depends on how much support you need, but supportive swimwear is a good one to consider, particularly if touring or in hotter climates.
4: Underboob Vented Jackets

If you are riding in all weathers, then Klim have created a lady rider jacket which has underboob vents. This jacket (Klim Artemis) has quite a few lady riders excited (I have no affiliation with Klim or the jacket btw, this info was from a Women ADV Ride group I am part of).
As an aside, it is great that designer are turning their attention to lady riders needs. The only downside is the price, but well, quality normally doesn’t come cheap.
5: Miscellaneous Additions

The following are miscellanious suggestions provided by a womans ADV rider group:
• Hair ties
Don’t be fooled by the humble hair tie, it has multiple emergency uses, and most lady riders will have these with them automatically. If you find yourself without any cable ties or electrical tape, etc, then a simple hair tie can help with many fixes! Have a read of a couple of the comments from different lady rider groups about hair ties! 😂

• Sun Cream / Zinc
Pretty obvious why these are a good idea. Despite being covered up, our faces are still exposed, even when under a helmet. Most visors, even when tinted, don’t have a high UV protection rating.
• Sarong
Simple, but ever so useful. A sarong can also be used for so many things, even to make a small changing room etc (or for hiding behind when nature calls whilst out riding, if you don’t like using the Shewee). It can even be used as a substitute tow-rope!

• Coconut Oil
For me, coconut oil is a staple. It can be used for so many things, even for emergency lubrication on the bike. I always carry a small bottle. I can use it on hair and skin and even my gear. I’ve even used it to stop creaky door hinges in hotels/accommodations. Some even use it for Oil Pulling. It can also be used for cooking. Just a fantastic oil to have around (and it smells nice 😉 )
• Crystal Deodorant.
Actually, in truth I am not a huge fan of crystal deodorant, but it does work for many, so I am adding it to the list. It is compact, only needs to be applied once, and lasts for around a year. I may even consider giving it another go.
• Carmex / Lip Balm
A quality lip balm with SPF keeps lips from chapping. The tube versions are generally better as they do not melt out of the container.
• Peppermint oil
Peppermint oil in a spray bottle. The peppermint oil is great for clearing the head. A few drops in my helmet or on my neck scarf makes a great pick-me-up. It can also be used to freshen up motorcycle gear whilst touring if required.
• Small bags of washing powder
Great for giving your gear items a quick wash when at your destination. I’ve even used my topbox as a makeshift wash bucket.
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