Distinguished Gentleman's Ride. Chiang Mai. Thailand

DGR 2015. The 1st Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride helps raise funds and awareness of prostate cancer and men’s mental health (via the Movember Foundation). The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride 2015 About DGR The Distinguished…

*A short write-up on and video on the Real Custom Biker Show 2014* On Saturday 13th December 2014, the 700 Year Stadium hosted yet another fab Real Custom Biker Show, the 4th annual event of it’s kind here in Chiang…

a group of children with men

Here is a tale to pull the heartstrings and give you a little faith in humanity. My friend Alan (an off-road tour company owner and animalistic drummer!), came across a hill tribe school when searching for new tour trails. This school…

a poster for a motorcycle event with ladies

 Hosted at the 700 Year Stadium the event, the Real Custom Biker Show was a really enjoyable event. Don’t have much to say about this really, so I will leave you with photos instead! (Sorry, there are quite a few…