a lady with a motorcycle. motogirlthailand
 Hosted at the 700 Year Stadium the event, the Real Custom Biker Show was a really enjoyable event. Don’t have much to say about this really, so I will leave you with photos instead! (Sorry, there are quite a few photos of me with the bikes, rather than the bikes. At the time I didn’t even consider blogging, so they were just meant for personal use. In future I will attend events with writing about them in mind!)
a large motorcycle
a helmet on a motorcycle
a motocross bike
ladies next to a KTM motorbike
a group of people dancing outside a van
a lady with a motorcycle. Motogirlthailand
mickey mouse toy on a bike
a motorcycle stall at an event
Ducati bikes in glass cases
a classic car
motorcycles at an event
bikers at an event
bikers at an event
a lady next to a motorcycle. Motogirlthailand

Was a great event! Here is a link for the 2014 show!

Have you ever been to one of the Real Custom Show’s here in Chiang Mai?
Or another biking event elsewhere?
Comment below! 😀




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