Category GEAR

List of gear I wear and items I use and recommend

compact motorcycle camping guide motogirlthailand

Camping set up which goes into one compact hand held duffle bag. The guide includes a fab simple hack which turns a hammock into a tent!

bike and gear list motorgirlthailand

Five key motorcycle gear items that I use. My Gear 1: Helmet – Daddy Modular Currently, I use a modular ADV helmet from Daddy Helmets. The helmet includes an inbuilt sunvisor. This helmet is DOT Certified and has an ECE…

motorcycle helmet guide thailand motogirl motogirlthailand bikerchick

Motorcycle helmet guide. The motorcycle helmet is the most important piece of motorcycle safety gear that you will ever own. Out of all your gear decisions, this one is the one to focus on the most. The choice (and fit)…

motorcycle gear shops in London and the Bike Shed. Motorcycle gear for women - motogirlthailand

3 moto gear shops in London. How do these popular moto gear shops rate when it comes to riding gear, and female riding gear, in particular? Let’s see how these shops rate gear-wise, and the general vibe for a female…