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$5 Official Supporter
Fuel money! This tier is for those who would like to help put something towards keeping my girl running. You can watch my videos knowing that your subscription helped power me on!
- Patron Shout-Out
$10 All-Access Supporter
This tier is for patrons who would like to see me excel in creating content.
- Behind-the-Scenes Content
- Patron-only voting power
- Patron Shout-Out
- Access to the detailed POI Map
$15 VIP Supporter
This tier is for patrons who want to help me cover ongoing costs.!
- Password access to bonus content.
- Free Digital Guide Maps and other goodies
- Patron-only voting power
- Patron Shout-Out
- Access to the detailed POI Map
$30 Power UP Supporter!
Your amazing pledge will help me allocate more time for video editing and content creation!
- A Customized Route Map for Riding in the Region! (Upon request)
- Early access to content
- Patron-only voting power
- Free Digital Guide Maps and other goodies
- Password-Protected access to Behind-the-Scenes Unseen Content
- Patron-only voting power
- Patron Shout-Out
- Access to the detailed POI Map
$50 SUPERHERO Supporter
This tier is for patrons who really want to help me upgrade equipment and cover expenses. Thank you!
- A Customised, Personalized Video Created Just For You
- A Customised GPS route map for your riding adventure in Thailand!
- Fan Requests
- Exclusive Behind The Scenes Content
- Patron Shout-Out
- Patreon Only Posts and Updates (including photos and content not seen anywhere else)
- And everything in the previous tiers